The Great need of the soul is the need of that permanent Principle called Righteousness.
The old must pass away before the new can appear. The old cottage must be demolished before the new mansion can appear upon its site. The old error must be destroyed before the new truth can come. The old self must be renounced before the new man can be born. When the old self of temper, impatience, envy, pride, and impurity has perished, then in its place will appear the new man of gentleness, patience, goodwill, humility, and purity.
Let the old life of sin and sorrow pass; let the new life of Righteousness and Joy come in. Then all that was old and ugly will be made new and beautiful. It is in the realisation of this Principle where the Kingdom of Heaven, the abiding home of the soul, resides, and which is the source and storehouse of every permanent blessing.
The soul will cry out for its lost heritage.

Daily Meditations by James Allen – Day One